For those of you meeting Maryland Computer Service for the first time, I wanted to get the chance to ask some of the employees some questions. I feel like it’s a good way to get to know more about the company and the people who are either working on your systems or will soon be working on your systems.
During the first segment of Meet the Team, I talked with Jonathan Conn, a Jr. technician at Maryland Computer Service. Jonathan has been with Maryland Computer Service for two years. He has an Associate of Science in Computer Science and is CompTIA A+ certified.
A+ certification means Jonathan has the knowledge and skill set to install, maintain, and troubleshoot computers and networks. Because technology improves at an increasingly fast pace, CompTIA require 20 continuing education credits or retesting every three years to make sure that technicians are keeping up with the times.
I asked Jonathan, “What is your favorite thing about working at Maryland Computer Service?”
Jonathan: “Facing new challenges each day gives me a sense of accomplishment and keeps it interesting.”
When I asked what his goals are, he said “I want to be so good at my job that our clients never need to call us. Preventative maintenance is key, and I want to fight the fires no one sees.”
This is an admirable goal, understanding the clients needs and proactively exceeding them is what makes Maryland Computer Service a trusted name for cyber security, cloud-based solutions, tech support, and managed IT services in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. To learn more about the services we provide, go to
I also asked him, “If you could give clients one piece of advice, what would it be?”
Jonathan: “Do not hesitate to call us. If there is an issue that you cannot fix, we can, just call us. “
If you are feeling the urge to call Maryland Computer Service, our number is 301-202-6521.
It can’t be all work and no play, so we moved on to discussing his hobbies. I learned that Jonathan enjoys autocross, working of software projects, quadcopter racing, powerlifting, and motocross. His hobbies sparked my interest because I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie. I had to know more.
I asked about his racing.
Jonathan: “I’ve never competed officially, I just do it for fun. We always joke around that I’m the pit crew. Horrible at flying but great at fixing things.”
Then I asked about his software projects.
Jonathan: “I’ve worked on some machine learning projects for fun like stock prediction or maze solving. I’ve made a VR game to teach people CPR with finger tracking. A twitter bot that tries to detect patterns of suicide and help prevent it by talking to them. I’ve never released anything for profit I just make small projects for fun. I’m working towards my BS in Computer Science at the University of Maryland and projects make it easy for me to learn new technologies.”
When asked about powerlifting, he responded: “I don’t compete in a federation or anything it’s just for fun. My PR total is 805 and my goal for this year is to join the 1000 pound club.”
Wow! That’s impressive. Having someone with mental and physical strength on your team is always a good thing because it shows they have the determination to rise above obstacles.
I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know a little about Jonathan. He’s one of the friendly team members that will be helping you when you utilize Maryland Computer Service to provide your I.T. solutions. To learn more, call us at 301-202-6521 or click the “let’s talk” button at the top of the page to send us an email.
Oh! One other thing before I go, In a previous blog I told you I would update you on the results of the Orig3n DNA test. They got back to me after about 10 days with the results of the cotton swab test that I did at CES. The test covered four genes:
- ACTN3: It measures the ability for our body to generate actinin-3, a protein that helps with short bursts of power, such as those used in powerlifting. I came in average.
- FOXP2: Impacts your ability to learn new languages. I also came in average.
- LEPR: Measures your likelihood of developing obesity. It said I was unlikely to as I typically have a higher metabolism.
- AGER: This gene impacts the impact of sugar on how your skin ages. It recommended that I eat a lot of lean fish, fruit, veggies, and cashews to keep my skin healthy.
I enjoyed getting the results, but don’t really feel like I would recommend anyone pay the minimum of $29 for a test that gave me very little information about myself.